Bekijk ons cursusaanbod:

Drools 8 with jBPM: Building Rule-Based Business Workflows

21 Uren

Drools 8 and DSLs for Business Analysts

21 Uren

Advanced Drools 8

21 Uren

Intermediate Drools 8

21 Uren

Introduction to Drools 8

21 Uren

Business Rule Management (BRMS) with Drools

7 Uren

Introduction to Drools 6 for Developers

21 Uren

Drools 7 and DSL for Business Analysts

21 Uren

Introduction to Drools 7 for Developers

21 Uren

Drools 6 and DSL for Business Analysts

21 Uren

Drools Rules Administration

21 Uren

jBPM and Drools

14 Uren

OptaPlanner in Practice

21 Uren

Managing Business Logic with Drools

21 Uren

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Voorlopige Aankomende Cursussen

Weekend Drools cursus, Avond Drools training, Avond Drools opleiding Drools boot camp, Drools instructeur geleid, Weekend Drools training, Avond Drools cursus, Drools coaching, Drools instructeur, Drools trainer, Drools training cursus, Drools lessen, Drools on-site, Drools privé cursus, Drools een op een training, Drools op locatie, Weekend Drools opleiding