Course Outline

Introduction to Ethereum

  • Smart Contracts
  • Ether currency
  • Dapps (decentralized applications)

Blockchain infrastructure and principles

  • Secure, decentralized, tamper-proof
  • Understanding cryptography

Introduction to blockchain programming

  • Solidity variables
  • Solidity control structure
  • Solidity functions
  • Solidity inheritance
  • Solidity modifiers
  • Proxy contracts
  • Solidity events

Development frameworks

  • Truffle Framework
  • Web3 JavaScript API

Writing a Smart Contract

  • Overview of decentralized platforms
  • Ethereum Blockchain App Platform
  • Creating the Smart Contract instructions
  • Writing the Smart Contract functions
  • Storing dept registries
  • Deploying the Smart Contract

Ethereum Wallet

  • Holding and securing ether
  • Managing other crypto-assets

Creating your own cryptocurrency

  • Overview of tradeable digital token and coin APIs
  • Design the cryptocurrency
  • Issuing the cryptocurrency

Kickstarting a blockchain project

  • Initiating a trustless crowdsale

Building your own virtual organization

  • DAO (decentralized autonomous organization)

Closing remarks


  • Programming experience in any language
 21 Hours

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