Course Outline

Basic Structure

  • Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
  • Namespaces
  • Types & Multiplicity
  • Constraints
  • Dependencies
  • Time
  • Intervals
  • Packages
  • Information Flows


  • Classifiers
  • Properties
  • Operations
  • Generalization Sets
  • Instances

Structured Classifiers

  • Structured Classifiers
  • Classes
  • Associations
  • Collaborations


  • Encapsulated Classifiers
  • Components
  • Deployments
  • Artifacts
  • Nodes

Common Behavior

  • Signals
  • Receptions
  • Behaviors
  • Events

Activities and Actions

  • Activities
  • Control Nodes
  • Object Nodes
  • Activity Groups
  • Actions
  • Invocation Actions
  • Structured Actions
  • Expansion Regions


  • Interactions
  • Lifelines
  • Messages
  • Fragments
  • Interaction Uses
  • Sequence Diagrams
  • Communication Diagrams

State Machines and Use Cases

  • Statemachine topics
  • Protocol Statemachines
  • Interfaces
  • Use Cases


Good knowledge of any object-oriented language, basic knowledge of UML. Please see the OCUP2 UML 2.5 Certification - Foundation Exam Preparation Course.

 14 Hours

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